How to setup ARK Survival Evolved Server
Adding mods
- 1. Run the ARK server for the first time to generate config files
- 2. Connect via FTP
- 3. Go to: ark/bin/ShooterGame/Config
Find GameUserSettings.ini and edit this file.
In the file content find [ServerSettings] section.
At the end of the section append line:
731604991 is a mod id – you need to take the id from the Steam and put there. If you like to add more mods, separate them with coma:
Adding a custom ARK server is a bit tricky.
1) Open Steam; go to “View” (top menu), Servers.
3) Save and refresh – you should see ARK #xxxxxx (v345.22) on the list
4) Close servers window, run Ark
5) Select “Favorites” from the combo box with server types
Your dedicated ARK Survival evolved server should be there.