
How to Change Your Character’s Name in Valheim

Valheim, the popular survival game, has players exploring, fighting, and building in a Viking-themed world. But what if you’ve named your character in haste and now wish for a change? While the game doesn’t offer a direct way to rename your character, don’t worry! This guide will walk you through the available methods to help you change your character’s name in Valheim, ensuring you won’t be stuck with a name you’re unhappy with.

Use a New Character

The simplest solution might be to create a new character with your desired name. Before you do, make sure to transfer all your gear to a chest that your new character can access. This way, you won’t lose your hard-earned equipment, though you will have to rebuild your character’s skills.

Try Mods to Change Your Name

Mods are your go-to option for changing your character’s name in Valheim. The modding community has developed tools that allow you to edit both your name and appearance from the game’s main menu.

  • Find a Reliable Mod: Look for a mod that allows character name changes. Websites like NexusMods or are great places to start.
  • Install the Mod: Follow the installation instructions provided with the mod. Make sure to back up your game files before installing any mods to avoid losing data.
  • Change Your Name: Once the mod is installed, you can change your character’s name (and appearance) as you like. Some mods let you do this from the main menu, making the process straightforward.

Using Console Commands

For those comfortable with using console commands, there’s a way to adjust your character’s skills to match those of a newly named character. This method doesn’t change your current character’s name but allows you to create a new character with the desired name and skill levels.

  • Enable Console Commands: Press F5 to open the console.
  • Create a New Character: Make a new character with your desired name.
  • Adjust Skills: Use console commands to set the new character’s skills to match your original character’s levels.
  • Transfer Gear: Move your equipment from your old character to the new one.

Important Considerations

  • Back Up Your Data: Always back up your game files before using mods or console commands to avoid losing your progress.
  • Be Cautious with Mods: Not all mods are created equal. Read reviews and instructions carefully to ensure compatibility and stability.
  • Character Skills: Remember, if you start fresh with a new character or use console commands, you’ll need to build your character’s skills back up, unless you adjust them via commands.

While Valheim doesn’t offer an in-game feature to rename characters, these workarounds provide viable options. Whether you choose to create a new character, use mods, or employ console commands, you can align your character’s name with your Viking saga. As the Valheim community grows and evolves, perhaps more solutions will emerge. Until then, these methods will ensure your character carries a name you’re proud of on their journey through the Norse purgatory.

How to Connect to an Enshrouded Server

Follow these steps to add your Enshrouded server to Steam favorites and connect to it for an immersive gaming experience.

Adding Your Server to Favorites

Adding an Enshrouded Server To Favorites

  1. Accessing Game Servers in Steam:
    • Open your Steam client.
    • Click on “View” in the top toolbar.
    • From the drop-down menu, select “Game Servers”.
  2. Navigating to Favorites:
    • In the “Game Servers” dialog, switch to the “Favorites” tab.
    • Click the select box in the top-right corner.
    • Scroll down and select “Enshrouded”.
  3. Adding to Favorites:
    • In the favorites list for Enshrouded, click the plus (+) symbol at the bottom of the dialog.
  4. Entering Server Details:
    • A prompt will ask for your server’s IP address.
    • Type in the IP address and port of your Enshrouded server (e.g., “”).
    • Click “OK” to add your server.
  5. Verifying Server Addition:
    • Your server should now appear in the game servers list. You’re ready to play Enshrouded!

Connecting to Your Enshrouded Server

Connecting an Enshrouded Server

Connecting a Dedicated Enshrouded Server

  1. Launching Enshrouded:
    • Open Enshrouded.
    • Click on the “PLAY” option.
  2. Joining a Game:
    • Choose the “JOIN” option.
  3. Selecting Your Server:
    • Your server should be listed at the top.
    • Click on your server or the “Join” button to connect.
  4. Enjoy the Game:
    • You are now connected to your Enshrouded server. Happy gaming!

Palworld Multiplayer

Palworld, much like its counterparts in the survival genre, offers an enriched gaming experience that can be enjoyed both in single-player and multiplayer modes. While venturing through its unique world alone has its own charms, the multiplayer aspect of Palworld unfolds a more comprehensive and engaging experience.

Sharing tasks, collaborating in adventures, and facing challenges together not only enhance the gameplay but also bring a sense of community and camaraderie to the forefront. With a range of multiplayer options, from intimate small groups to larger, server-based communities, Palworld ensures that its online play, although not overly extensive, is immersive and rewarding for players seeking a fuller experience.

Palword Multiplayer HowTo

Whether you’re teaming up with friends or joining forces with new allies, playing Palworld in multiplayer mode promises a dynamic and fulfilling adventure.

What Multiplayer Options Does Palworld Have?

Palworld offers a variety of multiplayer options, catering to different preferences and play styles. Players can opt for a more intimate gaming experience with a small group of friends or join larger community servers for broader social interaction.

  1. Invite Code Multiplayer: This mode allows a player to host a game and invite up to three friends using an invite code. The friends join the host’s personal save file, making gameplay dependent on the host’s presence. This mode is suitable for small groups looking for a personalized and private gameplay experience. However, players have reported issues with progress being lost if the host disconnects unexpectedly.
  2. Dedicated Server (Self-Hosted): Players can also set up their own dedicated server through Steam. This option provides full control over the server settings and is free of charge. However, the server’s performance and stability heavily rely on the host’s home equipment, which may not always be optimal for gaming standards. Additionally, the server lacks features like DDoS protection, making it less secure.
  3. Palworld Server Hosting (Paid): For those seeking a more reliable and customizable multiplayer experience, paid server hosting is an option. It offers benefits such as better connection reliability, 100% uptime, and the ability for each player to maintain individual progress on the server. This option is ideal for players who prioritize uninterrupted gameplay and enhanced server performance.

Palword Multiplayer Setup

How Are Single-Player and Multiplayer in Palworld Different?

In Palworld, the choice between single-player and multiplayer gameplay significantly impacts the overall experience, mechanics, and player interaction. Here’s an in-depth comparison of the two modes:

  1. Gameplay Dynamics: In single-player mode, Palworld offers a more introspective and personal adventure. Players explore, craft, and battle at their own pace, crafting a narrative that’s uniquely theirs. In contrast, the multiplayer mode transforms Palworld into a shared adventure. Here, the dynamics of exploration, combat, and crafting are influenced by the interactions and cooperation with other players. This shared experience can create more dynamic and unpredictable gameplay scenarios.
  2. Resource Management and Progression: In single-player, all resources and progress are controlled solely by the player. This can lead to a more methodical and strategic approach to resource management and progression. In multiplayer, however, resources and progression can be shared or competitive, depending on the server rules and player interactions. This introduces new layers of strategy, as players must negotiate, collaborate, or compete for resources and advancement.
  3. Social Interaction and Community Building: Multiplayer mode inherently includes social interactions, whether it’s cooperative play, trading, or even competitive elements. This social aspect can greatly enhance the gaming experience, creating opportunities for community building, teamwork, and even in-game friendships. Single-player mode, while solitary, allows for a more focused narrative experience without the unpredictability of human interactions.
  4. Difficulty and Challenge: The presence of other players in multiplayer can significantly affect the game’s difficulty. Cooperative play makes general tasks easier but enemy levels scale based on the highest level player present in the game Single-player mode provides a consistent level of challenge, determined by the game’s AI and mechanics.
  5. Player Autonomy and Flexibility: Single-player mode offers complete autonomy, allowing players to explore and interact with the game world at their leisure. Multiplayer, however, often requires coordination and cooperation, which can limit individual player autonomy but enhances the overall experience through shared goals and achievements.

Palword Dedicated Multiplayer Server

Starting or Joining a Multiplayer Game

Starting a multiplayer game in Palworld involves a few straightforward steps, allowing players to embark on adventures with friends. Here’s a brief guide:

  1. Creating a New World: Begin by selecting ‘create a new world’ from the world selection screen. Importantly, toggle the ‘multiplayer’ setting to ‘on’. This setting is off by default and must be enabled each time you create a new world for multiplayer sessions.
  2. Switching from Single to Multiplayer: If you start in a single-player world and decide to switch to multiplayer, you’ll need to select ‘Change world settings’ before starting your session.
  3. Joining a Friend’s World: To join a friend’s game, use an invitation code. The host must send this code, which is found in the options menu when multiplayer is enabled. Note that this code changes with each session, so it’s a process that needs repeating for subsequent plays.
  4. Player Limits and Platforms: If you’re on Xbox or Windows, you can play with up to three other players. Steam players have the option to create dedicated servers for up to 32 players. Co-op Features: In multiplayer, you can explore, build, battle, and share resources together. As of now, there’s no PvP mode in Palworld.

How to Set up a Dedicated Server for Palworld

Setting up a dedicated server in Palworld offers a customizable and potentially more stable multiplayer experience. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure you’re using the Steam version of Palworld, as this is currently the only platform that supports dedicated servers. Find Your IPv4 Address: Use the Command Prompt in Windows, type “ipconfig,” and note your IPv4 address. Install Palworld and Palworld Dedicated Server: After installing Palworld from Steam, find and install the ‘Palworld Dedicated Server’ tool from your Steam Library.
  2. Configure Server Settings: Navigate to Palworld’s local files and open ‘DefaultPalWorldSettings’. Copy the content below the third line starting with [/Script/Pal.PalGameWorldSettings]. Go to Pal>Saved>Config>WindowsServer and open ‘PalWorldSettings’, which should be empty. Paste the copied text here and adjust values like ServerName, ServerDescription, AdminPassword, ServerPassword, and PublicIP (your IPv4 address).
  3. Firewall and Port Forwarding: Allow Palworld through your firewall. This might involve adding new firewall rules in Windows PowerShell or adjusting settings in third-party firewall software. Port forward the necessary ports (e.g., 8211, 27015, 27016, 25575) on your router, which may vary based on your specific router model.
  4. Launch and Play: Start the ‘Palworld Dedicated Server’ from Steam and choose either ‘Play Palworld Dedicated Server’ for a private server or ‘Open and start as a community server’ for a public one. Keep the Command Prompt window open that appears after launching the server. In Palworld, select ‘Join Multiplayer Game’ and enter the appropriate IP information if it’s a private server. For a community server, your server should appear in the server list. Admin Privileges and Server Management: To gain admin privileges, join your server, open the chat, and type /Admin Password YOURADMINPASSWORD. Save and close the server safely using in-game admin commands like /Save and /DoExit.

Does Palworld Have PvP or Competitive Modes?

As of the latest updates, Palworld does not currently feature Player versus Player (PvP) combat. However, the game’s roadmap, as revealed by the developer Pocketpair, indicates that PvP is planned for future inclusion in the game. The introduction of PvP in Palworld is anticipated to add a competitive element to the gameplay, likely taking the form of arena-based battles where players can engage in combat with one another using the creatures they have collected, known as Pals.

Resolve the Palworld server update that erases player progress.

We acknowledge that losing progress on your Palworld server can be annoying, and we are sorry if you have encountered any difficulties. It has been determined that there is a definite bug in the game, and the developer needs to address it in order to fix it. This serious bug is known to the developer, and fixing it is probably their top priority. This problem is now plaguing many hosting providers, including official servers, and is impacting a lot of players.

For now there is no 100% successfull method to recover your data, however some players reported those workaround as successfull.

Method 1

Have one player join the server (BUT DO NOT CREATE A NEW CHARACTER), simply just stay in the new character creation menu.

  • Now Stop the server.
  • Wait 10-15 minutes.
  • Start the server.
After that, your character’s progress should be back, and you can continue playing.

Method 2

Look through the folder that player and world data are kept in on the Palworld dedicated server. You can find that folder in “Game Data” section in files manager.

It is likely that server files are contained in a folder with the name 0 (the number zero).

Go to 0 and open the folder. The good news is that your Palworld server still has your older server files if you have more folders here. If you open one of those directories, it should includes: Players, Level.sav and LevelMeta.sav

A snapshot of the playerdata folder on a Palworld server The “ID” of the server version is a random string of characters that you must notice in the folder name. Once your server is up and running, you might have two folders, each with a unique random ID. Select the folder you wish to restore by looking at its last changed date before proceeding to the next step.

Getting the Saved Data Reference Back
Open the GameUserSettings.ini (switch from “Game Data” to “Server Config”) after that. Palworld lost save data fix Change the DedicatedServerName entry in this file to the ID found in the folder in the previous step. You may need a different ID from a different folder if the ID from the previous step is already visible in this line.

Still not functioning?

Even while many users find success with this step, there are still some situations in which your server will not recognize your player and server data. Fear not, as there is one last thing you may do that has supposedly helped a lot of players:

  1. Edit GameUserSettings.ini and clear ID from the option: DedicatedServerName=
  2. Launch the Palworld server.
  3. You should be prompted to create a new character when you join the server. Join the Palworld server and make a new character.
  4. Once more, stop your Palworld server.
  5. After completing it in the preceding step, change the map ID back to the old value.
  6. Launch your server, and you ought to be able to connect using your other character from before.

Palworld – How to connect a server?

Q: I’ve set up a dedicated server, but when I set a ServerPassword, I don’t get prompted for a password when logging in via direct IP entry, and I can’t log in.

A: We’re aware of this issue and plan to address it in the next update. In the meantime, if you need to secure the server with a password, you can configure it as a community server. This will make it accessible from the in-game community server list, prompting you to enter a password upon entry.

  1. Enter IP:port and then click “Connect”.

    Palword Server IP Port

  2. Because of a bug, server is not going to ask you for password.

    Palword Server Password Bug
  3. Click “OK” and go the “Multiplayer” section again.

    Palword Server Multiplayer

  4. Go to “Recent servers”

    Palword Recent Servers

    Your server is going to be on the list.

  5. Click a few times.

  6. Enter the password and play

    Palword Server Password

  7. Reference

Installing a Dedicated Server for Satisfactory on Linux

This guide will walk you through the steps to set up a Satisfactory game dedicated server on a Linux system.


Ensure your Linux system is on a 64-bit architecture and up to date. Satisfactory’s dedicated server is compatible with modern Linux distributions.

Step 1: Install SteamCMD

SteamCMD is a command-line version of the Steam client used to install and update various games and tools.

  1. Update system packages: sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade
  2. Install SteamCMD: sudo apt install steamcmd

Step 2: Install the Satisfactory Dedicated Server

  1. Create a directory for the server: mkdir ~/SatisfactoryDedicatedServer
  2. Run SteamCMD and log in as an anonymous user: steamcmd +login anonymous
  3. Install the server: steamcmd +force_install_dir ~/SatisfactoryDedicatedServer +app_update 1690800 validate +quit

Step 3: Configuring the Server

Initial configuration is done in-game by the first player to connect. Set the server name and admin password through the in-game server manager.

Server configuration files are located in: ~/SatisfactoryDedicatedServer/FactoryGame/Saved/Config


Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  • Server Not Starting: Check the log files in the server directory for any error messages.
  • Connection Issues: Verify that your server’s ports (15777, 15000, 7777) are correctly forwarded on your router and not blocked by a firewall.
  • SteamCMD Errors: If SteamCMD fails to run or update the server, try reinstalling SteamCMD or check for any network issues.
  • Performance Issues: Ensure your Linux system meets the minimum requirements for running the server, particularly CPU and RAM.
  • Configuration File Not Found: Configuration files may not generate until after the server has been run and closed once. Ensure you shut down the server gracefully.

How to setup ARK Survival Evolved Server

Adding mods

  1. 1. Run the ARK server for the first time to generate config files
  2. 2. Connect via FTP
  3. 3. Go to: ark/bin/ShooterGame/Config

Find GameUserSettings.ini and edit this file.
In the file content find [ServerSettings] section.
At the end of the section append line:
731604991 is a mod id – you need to take the id from the Steam and put there. If you like to add more mods, separate them with coma:


Adding a custom ARK server is a bit tricky.
1) Open Steam; go to “View” (top menu), Servers.

ARK Dedicated Server Setup How to Explained

2) Go to Favorites tab; click “add a server”; put:
3) Save and refresh – you should see ARK #xxxxxx (v345.22) on the list
4) Close servers window, run Ark
5) Select “Favorites” from the combo box with server types

Your dedicated ARK Survival evolved server should be there.

Valheim Modding

Ladies and Gentlemen – If you wish to use Modded Valheim one of the tools that would make things better for you is the following – r2modman. We also have to make sure we turn on the usage of Mods in Valheim.

When running mods you might see this and it needs to remain open. If you close this it will close out your game
